Friday, 20 March 2009

What God taught us last Sunday

On Sunday 15th March we had a focus on the work of Street Pastors. They provide ministry to those in the pubs and nightclubs of Swindon Town Centre from midnight - 4am on Friday evenings. Street Pastors work as a collaboration between local churches, the police and the Local Authority as a pastoral response to neighbourhood problems, engaging people where they are on the streets. Several members of Christ Church are Street Pastors. A new training course is beginning on Friday 27th March, further details from

The Thursday Fellowship of adults with learning difficulties led our Searchlight worship brilliantly on The Armour of God, Ephesians 6. Further info about this group from John Roe 01793 485082. .
Together we are all part of God's living church and we all have a special part to play.

What is yours?

Prayer for the week:

on Tuesday we celebrated St Patrick's Day - these words were used at Christ in Quiet and have helped many in our ministry this week:

Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ behind me, Christ before me
Christ beside me, Christ to win me
Christ to comfort and restore me
Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

Why not learn these words off by heart?

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Thought for the Week

The gospel reading Mark 8.31-end challenges us about what it means to be Christ's disciple in the whole of our lives. The words from Jesus "if any want to become my followers let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" need to be applied to the whole of our lives.. During Lent we have the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Jesus' life and particularly why he died on a cross. The word sacrifice may be counter cultural but it is certainly true that God wants us to be wholehearted and joyful as followers of Jesus. At the end of the sermon we heard a modern setting of the Lord's my shepherd psalm 23 why not use these words to inspire your prayer this week? In the evening Simon and the choir went to help lead choral evensong at Malmesbury Abbey. We had a wonderful evening and would encourage you to visit the Abbey during Lent if you have the opportunity. There is much we can learn from their ministry in particular praying on the streets for healing between 10 and 12 noon in all weathers each Saturday morning; which can inspire our mission in Old Town Swindon. Each Tuesday lunchtime during Lent we are having Christ in Quiet between 12.30 and 1pm. Why not see if you can find half an hour of quiet this week when you could receive God’s refreshment and Holy Spirit to enable you to be the person he made you to be. Please be assured of our prayers, God bless you as you follow Jesus.


Welcome to Christ Church with St Mary Swindon

Christ Church loves to welcome visitors to its services from all Christian denominations and they are welcome to join us as we share worship and communion together. [Contact us] to find out more