Saturday, 25 December 2010
The Nativity
The Nativity: I am sure you agree with me that The Nativity on BBC 1 7pm-7.30pm Monday-Thursday in 4 parts has been excellent. If you’ve missed it do try to pick it up on i-player in the next few days it is well worth a viewing. The programmes are profoundly full of the grace and awe of God. At the preview of the series the producer Tony Jordan (creator Life on Mars and writer for Eastenders) was interviewed and said “I’ve always had faith. I’m not a God botherer…..but I do believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God. I do believe he came here to take away our sins. I absolutely believe that. But there’s loads of little bits around it that bug me so what I’ve done with the story of the nativity is written a version that I can believe. I’ve made it accessible so people can watch it and see it is truthful and say “you know what! That is really cool. I never realised it could be like that. I thought it was all beyond me”. Watch it, believe it, invest in it and sob like a child – I did, you will.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Please can you help?
We are very conscious that these are very difficult financial times for many people; however we thought it right to bring to your attention a £5,000 deficit for this year. If 100 people gave £50 as a Christmas present to the church we could wipe out this deficit. Please will you consider this prayerfully – it would be enormously appreciated. We apologise that we are in this position but everything is being done to save expenditure and make the most of our resources.
We thank God for his faithfulness and the growth in Christian ministry across our parish. During Advent we are concentrating our liturgy on God’s generosity in sending his Son at Christmas. Thank you to all those people who have given so generously and sacrificially to support the PCC of Christ Church with St Mary’s over the last year.
We quite understand that many will not be able to respond but we are asking, as a Christian community, that we commit our mission and finances to God. Let us see how he calls us to respond individually and together. If you like to talk with any of us in confidence please don’t hesitate to contact us. It would be very helpful if we could receive gifts by Christmas so all donations can be included in this year’s accounts which close on 31st December.
We are praying for a holy and blessed Advent and that we see much growth in God’s kingdom here is Swindon and further afield.
We had a very good PCC meeting on Monday during which we had a presentation form Malcolm Barton and Jackie Waters Dewhurst about an exciting mission opportunity. The PCC voted unanimously to support the Bristol Diocesan Bid for a church school to be built on the croft Road site.
Sara Tye, chair of the D&R group gave a powerpoint presentation on all the encouraging progress made over the last 9 months.
The finance group presented a budget for 2011 to PCC which enables us to break even. This was discussed at great length and it was decided that to spend another evening (Monday 13th December) on this subject – this will give us more time for prayer and reflection.
Every blessing
Simon, Pam and Lynda – on behalf of PCC
Revd Simon Stevenette, Pam Bridgeman and Lynda Fisher (Churchwardens)
We thank God for his faithfulness and the growth in Christian ministry across our parish. During Advent we are concentrating our liturgy on God’s generosity in sending his Son at Christmas. Thank you to all those people who have given so generously and sacrificially to support the PCC of Christ Church with St Mary’s over the last year.
We quite understand that many will not be able to respond but we are asking, as a Christian community, that we commit our mission and finances to God. Let us see how he calls us to respond individually and together. If you like to talk with any of us in confidence please don’t hesitate to contact us. It would be very helpful if we could receive gifts by Christmas so all donations can be included in this year’s accounts which close on 31st December.
We are praying for a holy and blessed Advent and that we see much growth in God’s kingdom here is Swindon and further afield.
We had a very good PCC meeting on Monday during which we had a presentation form Malcolm Barton and Jackie Waters Dewhurst about an exciting mission opportunity. The PCC voted unanimously to support the Bristol Diocesan Bid for a church school to be built on the croft Road site.
Sara Tye, chair of the D&R group gave a powerpoint presentation on all the encouraging progress made over the last 9 months.
The finance group presented a budget for 2011 to PCC which enables us to break even. This was discussed at great length and it was decided that to spend another evening (Monday 13th December) on this subject – this will give us more time for prayer and reflection.
Every blessing
Simon, Pam and Lynda – on behalf of PCC
Revd Simon Stevenette, Pam Bridgeman and Lynda Fisher (Churchwardens)
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Christ Church is 159 years old.
The Revd Henry Bailey came to Swindon in 1847. He found the existing parish church to be completely unsuitable. It was falling into disrepair and was too small for the growing population of Swindon. Imagine his introduction to his vision for a renewal – a proposal to sweep away, approaching 700 years of continuous worship at Holy Rood. How did that go down with the faithful? I expect he found some opposition.
But his faith, energy and drive won the support of people from all walks of life, from near and far. Between them they raised enough money (£8,000 at the time) to build the new church we now worship in.
The church building was just the start. Over the last 159 years, Christ Church Clergy and community have been at the heart of improvements in health, education and social care in our area. King Williams Street School founded in 1871, the Almshouses next door in 1877, the Little London Mission in 1902,St Andrews church built in 1955,the Ecumenical Parish project Help our Homeless in 1994, the Shakers young people’s meeting place in 1992 and the Kagitumba school project in 2003. There are many other examples.
Throughout that time the building itself has provided a centre of stillness and calm. It is a focal point for worship, service and celebration. It comes into its own particularly during periods of war, conflict, public and private mourning. It provides the backdrop for everyday births, marriages and deaths remaining at the heart of Swindon – like the baptism of Arlo Feeny we had last Sunday
Christ Church is a fine example of mid Victorian Gothic revival, by the distinguished architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. In the context of Swindon, Christ Church is a gem, one of the very few Grade 2* listed buildings of its age - in continuous use in Swindon.
We are in the privileged position of being custodians for its future
Happy Birthday Christ Church
But his faith, energy and drive won the support of people from all walks of life, from near and far. Between them they raised enough money (£8,000 at the time) to build the new church we now worship in.
The church building was just the start. Over the last 159 years, Christ Church Clergy and community have been at the heart of improvements in health, education and social care in our area. King Williams Street School founded in 1871, the Almshouses next door in 1877, the Little London Mission in 1902,St Andrews church built in 1955,the Ecumenical Parish project Help our Homeless in 1994, the Shakers young people’s meeting place in 1992 and the Kagitumba school project in 2003. There are many other examples.
Throughout that time the building itself has provided a centre of stillness and calm. It is a focal point for worship, service and celebration. It comes into its own particularly during periods of war, conflict, public and private mourning. It provides the backdrop for everyday births, marriages and deaths remaining at the heart of Swindon – like the baptism of Arlo Feeny we had last Sunday
Christ Church is a fine example of mid Victorian Gothic revival, by the distinguished architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. In the context of Swindon, Christ Church is a gem, one of the very few Grade 2* listed buildings of its age - in continuous use in Swindon.
We are in the privileged position of being custodians for its future
Happy Birthday Christ Church
Friday, 20 August 2010
Postcard from the Stevenette's via email
Dear friends, thank-you for all your prayers and thoughts for us during our adventure in America . We have been overwhelmed by people's kindness and love towards us and have had many examples of God's grace reaching out in unexpected ways. Westboro' is a fascinating place and our ministry at St Stephen's has been greatly appreciated. Last Sunday I blessed the Rotary triathlon at 8am before I led a Celtic Communion service.
Nicola and the children are very well and loving the variety of days. For example, this week we have been to Cape Cod and Newport , Rhode Island . One of our favourite days was at Old Sturbridge village where 700 re-enactors relived the battle between the British and the Rebels!!
We are very fortunate that our next door neighbours allow us to use their swimming pool at anytime and there are tennis courts and sports facilities at the high school behind the Rectory, we have the opportunity to go to New York for 5 days and stay in my cousin’s apartment in Manhattan . We have really enjoyed our time with Ray and Joan. We return to stay with them for our final weekend when I will bless Ray's new boat. On Sunday I will share worship with Ray and preach at St Luke's Scituate where he was Vicar for 40 years. We are all avid Baseball fans following the Boston Red Sox and the Worcester tornadoes!! We will enlighten you further when we return!!
On your behalf i would like to thank the Revd Bill and Gail Martin for their ministry alongside you during this exchange. By all accounts they have gone down very well. We have loved staying in your home. God bless you, Bill and Gail as you journey home and prepare for your retirement.
With our love Simon and Nicola
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Bishop Lee on stewardship, discipleship and generosity
Learning during June: we are following a Stewardship theme during June – it will give us the opportunity to consider the privileges and responsibilities of being God’s worldwide church – part of the human family on earth.
As part of this learning we invited Bishop Lee to talk to us - you can hear what he had to say here.
Click here for more recordings of the day
As part of this learning we invited Bishop Lee to talk to us - you can hear what he had to say here.
Click here for more recordings of the day
Friday, 18 June 2010
Lord God
Creator and Redeemer
Giver of all things
Bless our parish in this united endeavour.
Strengthen our faith,
Grant us the spirit of generosity and sacrifice
So that with your grace we may provide
For the needs of Christ Church with St Mary's.
Give to others more needy than ourselves.
So that all we do glorifies you and sanctifies us
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Saturday 29th May - Swindon go to Wembley
The Great day is nearly here. Swindon Town are playing at Wembley once again.
It will be a great privilege to travel down the M4 with thousands of fellow Town fans for the Big match on Saturday morning, Danny Wilson’s red and white army!
If you are not able to get to the match why not come along to a short service of prayer and thanksgiving at 9am at Christ church in Old Town. All are welcome.
Two of our 5 sons will be with me at Wembley. Edward aged 14 and William aged 12 who both play in local football teams. Our eldest son Thomas aged 18 will be with us in spirit miles away teaching youngsters on Tanna island Vanuatu in the South Pacific. He will be waiting for our texts. The Stevenette family, one of many families joining the much bigger Swindon Town family at Wembley.
Many of you will watch or listen to the match live and you will be able to reel off the Swindon Town team. But did you know that our beloved football club was set up by one of the clergy at Christ Church in Autumn 1879? The Revd William Pitt aged 23 years, met with some youthful employees of GWR works in New Town at King William Street Primary School in Old Town - a few minutes walk from Christ church and the rest, as they say, is history.
What a history, full of ups and downs. A real roller coaster.
This season has been magnificent, superbly run behind the scenes, managed brilliantly and coached with fine players showing great spirit of courage and skill on the field, playing as a team.
Thank-you everyone.
Most of all though, throughout our club history, all 131 years, it is the fans who have made Swindon Town what it is . Whatever the result we can walk tall and be proud of each other working together for our town.
Although I am very hopeful, I can’t guarantee a victory but I can promise you God works in every scene of life. God will be with us all the way at the match in London and back home in Swindon.
Let’s sing our boys onto victory. We have every confidence in you and each other.
All of us face challenges in life, joys and disappointments a plenty. We need strong foundations on which to build and live.
Let me leave you with a prayer from an 8 year old Ugandan child whose parents died of HIV Aids, which helps us keep today and the result in perspective:
“O Lord, help me understand, that nothing will come my way which you and me , together,can’t handle.”
Fellow Swindon Town friends and fans. Have a great day out. Let’s play and sing our hearts out/ We are Swindon town. Come on you town - Red army.
Never forget God is with us every step of the way.
So be strong, take heart all you who hope in the Lord.
God bless you all - onwards to Wembley, upwards to the Championship, please God!
Simon Stevenette - Swindon Town Chaplain
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2010
Our APCM will be held on April 25th 2010 in Christ Church. It is an opportunity to look back and celebrate what we have achieved as a church family as well as "take stock" of where we are spiritually, administratively and financially.
This year particularly, as we carefully consider how we can better carry out our vision to connect our community with Christ, it is vital that all our friends understand how we work, what we do and above all how they can support the work.
We have published full details of our accounts for last year, the annual report, as well as the agenda for Sunday's meeting. [You can read them here]
This year particularly, as we carefully consider how we can better carry out our vision to connect our community with Christ, it is vital that all our friends understand how we work, what we do and above all how they can support the work.
We have published full details of our accounts for last year, the annual report, as well as the agenda for Sunday's meeting. [You can read them here]
Friday, 19 March 2010
Christ Church Re-ordering
One month after our community consultation, the Re-ordering group thought you would appreciate an update following our meeting last night. Your prayers, encouragement and comments are especially appreciated as we enter a very important week.
Thank you to all those who have already written and communicated with us about the re-ordering project. Please could we ask that any further written comments be received by this Thursday 25th March 4pm to allow some space before the Parochial Church Council meeting on 29th March. Please send them to Revd Simon Stevenette or Peter Ford, PCC Secretary or Ailsa Palmer, Parish Administrator.
1. Meetings have been held with our architect Antony Feltham King which have been very constructive and helped us see how we can move forward.
2. An intensive training and planning day has been arranged for Saturday 27th March 10am-4.30pm in the church centre with Gill Moody, our fundraising consultant for 12 key stake holders. This is being financed by an anonymous donation.
3. Sara Tye, chair of our Campaign Board has had many encouraging conversations with parishioners and community friends who are keen to be involved in helping us in our fundraising.
4. Our Archdeacon Alan Hawker , chair of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) has been in touch: ‘many thanks for the re-ordering papers. It was a good read. Could I suggest that once the PCC have agreed the option they wish to follow they then put an outline on paper and then send it to the DAC for information and initial comment plus an inquiry as to the best point in the process for the DAC to meet Church members involved in the project. It all sounds very exciting.
5. All of the groundwork has been put in order to help our PCC came to an informed decision when they meet on Monday 29th March 7.30pm in the church centre.
Our key bible reading in preparation for our PCC meeting is Nehemiah chapter 1 verses 1-11 – you may like to read this prayerfully.
Our PCC agenda is as follows: – To consider the next steps in the re-ordering process: In the light of much prayer, reflection and the community consultations over the weekend February 27/28, the Standing Committee offer the PCC the following integrated motion, which will be fully discussed before it is proposed by Lynda Fisher and seconded by Pam Bridgeman.
The PCC excitedly accept the vision behind major re-ordering of Christ Church and the building of a new church centre next to Christ Church as outlined in the updated architect’s brief, circulated with this agenda.
The PCC instruct the Vicar and Standing Committee on their behalf to form a fundraising board working with our architect, Antony Feltham King and our fundraising consultant Gill Moody and the Bristol DAC towards the launch of a fundraising campaign as soon as possible.
The PCC will do all they can to support the campaign by earnest praying, practical encouraging, supportive team working, sacrificial giving and careful communicating to the wider congregation and community.
The PCC call on the wider congregation and community to follow their example helping them in whatever way possible under God to meet our objective of creating a fully renewed church and site so that our Christian mission and ministry to Swindon can be advanced in this 21st century.
The PCC fully endorse the opportunity provided to give immediately to a designated campaign fund for the sole use of working towards the launch of the appeal in paying professional fees providing written resources all carefully scrutinised by the Standing Committee on their behalf.
Our architect’s working drawings and the content of the fund raising campaign will be brought back to the PCC and congregation on a regular basis. When the time comes the PCC will need to fully endorse changes to the Christ Church building and site in order for a Bristol Diocesan Faculty to be applied for so that the work can be completed.
We hope you have found this communication update helpful. Please pray for all those involved in the re-ordering process. We are team mates together.
Simon Stevenette - On behalf of the re-ordering group.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Grant me O Lord to greet the coming day with peace.
Help me in all things to rely upon thy holy will,
In every hour of the day reveal thy will to me
Teach me to act firmly and wisely without embittering or embarrassing others.
In all my deeds and words guide my thoughts and feelings.
Direct my will,
Teach me to pray,
Pray thou thyself in me.
a prayer by a nineteenth century Russian Archbishop as quoted by Archbishop Rowan Williams on Songs of Praise
Friday, 19 February 2010
A message from The Revd Simon Stevenette
Dear Community,
We want to make sure that Old Town , Swindon's Victorian Church ; Christ Church , is always at the heart of our community.
We want to ensure it is humming with activity throughout the week; in all possible ways, to be a beacon on the hill providing facilities which Swindon can be proud of and a wonderful meeting place for a whole variety of worship, cultural, artistic, spiritual, musical, and community activities.
You may have heard that the Church building needs a new roof, new heating system and improved community facilities and we want to ensure this is a building for everyone to be used all day, everyday - forever.
The building needs more than a facelift though, as it was built in 1851 and will be 160 years old in 2011.
We are calling upon the congregation and the wider Swindon community to join us in this regeneration.
There are two open meetings on Saturday 27 February at 10:00 am until 12 noon and Sunday 28 February at 7:30 pm until 9:30 pm at Christ Church , Cricklade Street , Swindon .
You will be able to hear about the vision and possibilities and ask any questions you might have.
We are aware that the task set before us is huge and we are committed to communicating clearly and consistently and to always involve the widest possible number of people.
In the forthcoming regeneration process we hope to have
Faith that we will be able to do whatever we set out to do
Imagination to do something creative not just a make do and mend philosophy
Long Term Thinking this is a long term project not a quick fix
If you would like to help, get involved or hear more about our ideas then please ring me on 01793 522832 or email and
We will be keeping everyone regularly informed of our work.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
A Prayer from the Iona prayer book:
Like Simeon, may I grow old in hope and wonder
Like Anna, may I be in love with you all my days,
May I be open to truth, open to surprises,
May I let your Spirit into my life.
May I let your justice change my behaviour,
May I live in the brightness of your joy. Amen
©Iona Wild Goose Publications
Like Anna, may I be in love with you all my days,
May I be open to truth, open to surprises,
May I let your Spirit into my life.
May I let your justice change my behaviour,
May I live in the brightness of your joy. Amen
©Iona Wild Goose Publications
Friday, 1 January 2010
Our New Parish Verse for 2010
"We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose."
St Paul is in prison reflecting on the Christian Gospel and the difference it should make on our every day lives. We appreciate the bible verse is very challenging if we are going through tough times, however it has much to encourage us as we work together in the Christian community. A few questions to consider
1. What do we know?
2. How do we cope with tough times?
3. How resilient and robust is our Christian faith?
4. How do we love God?
5. What is His purpose for each of our lives?
As in previous years please pass on to any member of the staff team your reflections on how God speaks to you through it. Our prayer is that Romans 8 v 28 will be a foundation for our teaching, learning, prayer and worship.
St Paul is in prison reflecting on the Christian Gospel and the difference it should make on our every day lives. We appreciate the bible verse is very challenging if we are going through tough times, however it has much to encourage us as we work together in the Christian community. A few questions to consider
1. What do we know?
2. How do we cope with tough times?
3. How resilient and robust is our Christian faith?
4. How do we love God?
5. What is His purpose for each of our lives?
As in previous years please pass on to any member of the staff team your reflections on how God speaks to you through it. Our prayer is that Romans 8 v 28 will be a foundation for our teaching, learning, prayer and worship.
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Christ Church loves to welcome visitors to its services from all Christian denominations and they are welcome to join us as we share worship and communion together. [Contact us] to find out more