Dear Community,
We want to make sure that Old Town , Swindon's Victorian Church ; Christ Church , is always at the heart of our community.
We want to ensure it is humming with activity throughout the week; in all possible ways, to be a beacon on the hill providing facilities which Swindon can be proud of and a wonderful meeting place for a whole variety of worship, cultural, artistic, spiritual, musical, and community activities.
You may have heard that the Church building needs a new roof, new heating system and improved community facilities and we want to ensure this is a building for everyone to be used all day, everyday - forever.
The building needs more than a facelift though, as it was built in 1851 and will be 160 years old in 2011.
We are calling upon the congregation and the wider Swindon community to join us in this regeneration.
There are two open meetings on Saturday 27 February at 10:00 am until 12 noon and Sunday 28 February at 7:30 pm until 9:30 pm at Christ Church , Cricklade Street , Swindon .
You will be able to hear about the vision and possibilities and ask any questions you might have.
We are aware that the task set before us is huge and we are committed to communicating clearly and consistently and to always involve the widest possible number of people.
In the forthcoming regeneration process we hope to have
Faith that we will be able to do whatever we set out to do
Imagination to do something creative not just a make do and mend philosophy
Long Term Thinking this is a long term project not a quick fix
If you would like to help, get involved or hear more about our ideas then please ring me on 01793 522832 or email and
We will be keeping everyone regularly informed of our work.