Sunday, 27 March 2011

A lot can change in a week

By now, you may have heard my exciting news. I have been appointed to the role of Area Dean for the Swindon deanery. I take up the new position on the1st June.

I am aware that I will need to review my existing work as Vicar of Christ Church and delegate some things so that I can give my new Area Dean role the commitment, faith and passion it requires. Yesterday, I was interviewed again by Lynda and Pam our church Wardens who are gifted in strategic reviews, with the intention of reviewing my work and coming up with a clear job description, aims and objectives for the next period of time. I am the guinea pig here and once this has been done for me , all my ministerial and lay colleagues will have a similar opportunity. This will give us all the chance to understand how we can best work together in the light of my new responsibilities.
You will be aware I could only take on this role with Nicola's incredible support and an outstanding team of colleagues. On top of this, with financial support from the diocese, I have a new work consultant, Keith Lamdin, Principal of Sarum College; and we also rely upon the support of our spiritual director and cell group. As I go forward in my ministry, affirmation and accountability become increasingly important alongside constructive criticism. More than anything else, I know God wants me to be a good husband and a good dad, please pray that this will be so. You will be pleased to hear I had a medical a fortnight ago, which was fine. We rely upon you to continue to tell us what we need to hear and promise we will look after ourselves.
I will be in touch again with more details especially when my Induction in this new role will take place.
I write this with our love and prayers that you too will know God's guidance in whatever you are facing. Nicola and I are very aware we have been through a huge amount over the last year  and in many ways, Uganda, our exchange as a family in  America and my Renaissance mid service programme have led up to this opportunity. Vulnerability has always been a central foundation of my ministry because it has opened me up to the power of God's grace. We feel to those to whom much is given, much will be required therefore while the responsibility given to me by Bishop Mike is somewhat daunting, I know from past experience that, when I am weak , I am strong. Also I will be encouraging teamworking wherever possible, looking for other colleagues, lay and ordained, to develop their ministries alongside of me to make our Bristol Diocesan Mission Strategy a reality in the Swindon Deanery.
I have postponed my study leave for 2 years. I am looking forward very much to the arrival of a new Curate, Trudie Wigley who is coming in July as a wonderful unexpected gift. While I have investigated since Renaissance the possibility of doing an MA on Missional Leadership, I have now put that on hold for the foreseeable future.
We are thoroughly enjoying having Thomas home for the Easter holidays from Durham University. He is having lots of fun and laughter with his brothers, especially Hugo  who loves wrestling!! We were very privileged last Friday to hear Archbishop John Sentamu speak at St John's college, Durham. He gave an inspiring call to pray and serve the nation in all possible ways.

With our love and prayers for you.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Early morning in Durham

Last Friday Nicola and I left Swindon at 5.15am and travelled up to Durham arriving at 9.45am in the glorious sunshine. We were there so early that Thomas, our son who is at University there, was still asleep in bed! The picture is of me with David Austin from Christ church who is a second year ordinand at Cranmer Hall which is part of St John's college. 

The photo was taken on Palace Green in front of the Castle and next to the Cathedral. David was in fine form and sends love and prayers to all Swindon friends. After coffee we were on the front row for the 11am lecture given by Archbishop John Sentamu, Archbishop of York who, by coincidence was visiting St John's college on the same day. He gave an inspirational lecture entitled: what is the church here for? We are here to serve our whole nation ,remind them of our Christian heritage, getting on our knees in prayer and living out the Christian faith as disciples and ambassadors wherever we are.

I managed a few words with the Archbishop afterwards. He was born in Uganda and should of died at birth,he explained. He was so gravely ill that he was baptised immediately he was born. Miraculously he pulled through;' I am the living example that infant baptism works' he said.After a delicious lunch and time of prayer together in the college chapel we explored Durham as a family and returned to Swindon by 11.30pm, a memorable day.

Thank-you for your prayers

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Christ Church Cathedral - NZ
Like our own church, Christ Church Cathedral in New Zealand was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott nearly 160 years ago. The damage to it and the surrounding area is a dreadful sight and has touched Nicola and myself even more personally since our son Thomas was staying in the area only a few months ago.

I have sent a personal message of support offering our prayers and thoughts at this difficult time.

We have just finished our sermon series on Nehemiah to prepare ourselves for challenges ahead as we plan to develop and renew our church to enable it to survive a further 160 years. 

We can draw great inspiration from the courage and community spirit being shown in Christ Church NZ at this time. The tragedy of the earthquake has brought into sharp focus for us the importance of how people work together not where they do it. Locally based Kiwi's are also doing their bit for home by organising fund raising events over the weekend. Please show them your support if you can. Details are in our social events calendar.

You can read about the latest news from Christ Church Cathedral here

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